- Country:
- City: Las Vegas, US
- Age: 45
- Height: 5 ft 0 in (152 cm)
- Weight:
- Official Site: -
If you need a bright ray of sunshine shot right to your testicles to get them warmed up and ready to spurt, then take a look at Sunny Lane. You dont even need to shield your eyes, unless youre sensitive to smooth creamy pale tits. Sunnys rack is a superb example of the glories of nature. Those heavy bags of pure fun-flesh are handfuls of bliss thatll make your hairy palms sweat with anticipation. Sunny Lane started her career as a girl in the spotlight with some time spent as a competitive figure skater. Nowadays, the only triple axels and double salchows this graceful girl does are done when shes riding a dick, rather than a pair of skates. Sunny also worked as a fitness instructor doing yoga and Pilates. Were sure her athletic background was just preparation for the slamming workouts she does when naked and bumping her junk. For a girl with the perfect amount of meat in all the right places, Sunny still manages to do some extreme flexible fucking and gets her body in positions that would make an acrobat jealous. Sunnys sweet vagina and winking tush-hole are like open houses with plenty of guys and gals coming for a visit. Nobody ever leaves unsatisfied, least of all Sunny herself, whose hospitality is always reciprocated by hot jettisons of jizz on her cute face and fat tits. When Sunny rocks her adorable pigtails, its like doggy-style handlebars ripe for a riding.
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