Sofia Nix
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- Height: 5 ft 7 in (170 cm)
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- 289
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Sofia Nix is a smoking hot MILF! One of Sofias most amazing qualities is her huge rack. Although her astonishing 34Fs arent real, they appear like they could be from certain angles, and its clear she did a good job with them. She also has a small 25 waist and a sexy 37 ass, making for some of the hottest possible female body measurements. Upon entering porn, she was approaching 25 “ a great age to commence because she had some life experience and knew what she liked in the bedroom, while also being innocent enough that sharing it with everyone still felt new! During her time in the skin biz, Ms. Nix was also a dedicated camming slut because she loved to interact live on camera with her fans. Many of her videos on here are excerpts of her best and favorite cam shows. A video called Sexy Cam Slut With Big Fake Tits perfectly displays what Sofia is all about. In this hot movie, she sits close to the camera and shakes her knockers in front of the camera, giving you a great view of them as they jiggle around. She has sexy big nipples and knows just how to look at the camera to make a good impression. Any video with this Latina goddess is sure to please, so watch a few or watch ˜em all!
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