Skylar Green
- Country:
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- Age:
- Height: 5 ft 0 in (152 cm)
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- Official Site: -
- 403
- 17
- 374
Imagine on your first day of college you find out that the dorms are co-ed, and your roommate is this petite blonde with a firm peachy ass and an adorable giggle. She introduces herself to you, as Skylar Green, and you recognize the name as that of the rising teen amateur slut star. Next thing you know, shes gagging on your dick and youre tasting the creamy delights of her freshman pussy”and then you wake up with spoiled sheets. Its true, Skylar has that effect on people. Shes a college-aged amateur babe and shes ready to take on the professional smut scene. Skylar is so damn adorable when she unzips a guys trousers and makes that ˜oh my, its so big face, when you know shes got the skills necessary to handle the biggest dicks. Still, its nice that she always puts on the cock-worship show. Skylar loves pussy just as much as she loves dick, and given the choice between the two, shed always choose a threesome. When shes just hangin with her girl pals, they can stay locked in a room for days and never need supplies; they just stay hydrated on each others pussy fluids. In such a short time, Skylars been building up an impressive credit list, with movies like Corrupt Schoolgirlsand Young Chicks Love Big Dicks“ both titles very accurately describing our darling Skylar. Expect to see this one become a serious award-winning porn mistress in the very near future.
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