Shyla Jennings
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- Height: 5 ft 2 in (157 cm)
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- 577
- 24
- 844
Born in the Black Forest and raised in Spain, Shyla Jennings exemplifies the combination of Southern German dark-haired cuteness and mysterious Latina spiciness. She is the sexiest example of how insanely hot mixed European girls can be “ not to mention the multicultural fucking styles they can master. Shyla then made Texas her home, and you can easily see how the Lone Star State made this slutty cowgirl willing to ride her juicy pussy on some sexy filly. Shes got a tiny, tight body, precious small tits, and a twat only a dream pussycat like her can have. When you want to watch some real soft, sweaty and dripping-wet girl-on-girl action, dont hesitate to give Shyla a click. If you just want to see a young innocent girly girl make herself cum until her eyelids are fluttering and her hand is soaked, Shyla is more than worth the two clicks. Shyla has done a whole slew of movies where shes famous for having multiple orgasm after multiple orgasm until you lose count. Shes also a pro at making girl after girl squirt and scream until they lose both their moisture and voice. This young chick takes her particular brand of hardcore to the max with fucking machines, strap-ons, and even likes to slide the occasional plastic love-stick in her ass. With tons of AVN nominations and the 2014 AVN All Girl Performer award “ not to mention her glamor modeling for Hustlers and Twistys “ Shyla Jennings is the teen cunt junky who gives you real reason to have uninterrupted Internet access.
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