Sasha Blonde
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- Height: 5 ft 7 in (170 cm)
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- 477
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Heres a blonde from Ukraine that will make ˜you crane your neck to see her in action “ forgive the pun. Sasha Blonde is a downright adorable young starlet with the sweetest face, big trusting eyes, and a hungry mouth with the words dick, pleasealways on the tip of her tongue. Whether shes taking a bubble bath with one of her girlfriends, sudsing up each others nice tits, or crawling on her knees towards a dangling dong to maximize its length in her mouth, this girl gives it her all with each performance. Be careful or youll end up giving all your jizz to Ms. Tissue Paper when you start navigating our awesome collection of Sasha Blonde clips. When shes doing a suck job, she takes care to worship every inch of shaft, hum those balls, and even tickle some asshole. Then its her turn to get her privates publicly stimulated. Her vagina is a blessing to the eye, with light brown lips blossoming out to reveal a hot pink and glistening interior. Youd easily fast for days just to suck on her twat juices. Sashas just a fun teen party girl at heart, and when shes not fucking, shes dancing her sweet ass off. She brings that high-energy joy to every one of her hardcore scenes. Light as a feather even if shes dripping wet with jizz, its always a hot and sweaty fuck workout with Sasha.
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