Sara Luvv
- Country:
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- Age:
- Height: 5 ft 0 in (152 cm)
- Weight:
- Official Site: -
- 707
- 1
- 1749
We freakin love Sara Luvv so much that were petitioning the Oxford English Dictionary to officially change the spelling of that word. Well, maybe not, because who cares about dictionaries when you could stare at pictures of Miss Luvv all day and watch her videos all night. She is such a dick-stiffening super babe that it almost hurts to even say her name without pumping one out right after. What a hot face she has, with big hazel eyes, a perfect nose, and pink lips that pout just enough to let you know shes thinking about a dick ˜cuming close. As far as little tits go, hers are so damn perky that you could quit coffee and just suck her nipples every morning to get perked up. Her dark brown areolas are the size of teacup saucers, perfectly centered with sweet thimble nipples. This girls teeny figure is light as a feather and lithe as a sprite. Tucked neatly between her warm girly thighs is the sweetest pink pocket that your dicks ever seen, and when she spreads her flaps open, its a gateway to a shiny slip-and-slide for your shlong. Sara is a California babe, all the way, with a mixed White and Latina background. Having known she wanted to do porn ever since first tasting a dick, the two things she loves most are sex and attention. Since doing her first hardcore scene at the age of 19, shes already banked more cock-rocking scenes than we can keep count of.
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