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- Height: 5 ft 4 in (163 cm)
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- Official Site: -
She looks like a little blonde garden nymph, and you can just imagine her prancing naked through dewy fields, plucking little penis flowers and pussy petals to savor in her happy little mouth. This is Sandy Summers, the teen sensation from Brazil. She doesnt have the usual Brazilian dark, taut and shiny skin you are used to with that countrys more busty and seasoned sluts. Sandy is a breath of fresh air with whiffs of sweet and flowery of vagina for your boner to breathe in. Shes a soft bodied little blonde with a tiny bit of baby fat and a whole lot of cute, cuddly flesh for squeezing perfectly padding her undulating curves. Sandy was born in Santa Carina, in the south of Brazil, known for having a big German population among other things. This must account for her blond hair, pale skin, and of course, addiction to big, throbbing sausage. Sandy started her career simply as Teen Sandy, and only did solo scenes and girl on girl erotica for the first leg of her porn career. She really perfected her pussy lapping skills, and all her girly mates would ooze and gush for Sandys cute face between their thighs. Eventually, she started doing some good cock to pussy hardcore, and we at Pornhub are making sure to collect that footage for you right here. Having graced the cover of such fine rags as Hustler, Barely Legal, and Penthouse, you know Sandys sweet little slut star is well on the way up.
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