Roxy Raye
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- Height: 5 ft 7 in (170 cm)
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- 610
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She might look like your geeky shy girl next door, but Roxy Raye is nothing short of a sexed-up and nasty jizz receptacle who loves maximizing her big-dick intake, especially in her ass. Theres nothing too extreme for Roxy to shove up her back hole: black jackhammers, massive strap-ons, ass-splitting dildos¦ you name it, shell hammer it in there. Ever seen a basketball get inserted into a butthole? Roxys been there, done that. Roxy adores extreme girl-on-girl anal toy play, and these babes never stop looking for something newer and bigger to sit and spin on. If youre truly an ass-loving maniac, this mega slut will shift you into satisfaction overdrive as she launches your cock bullets like an M16 gone haywire. Born in sunny Florida, Roxy started as a webcam girl, where it was natural to want to take your clothes off in the southern sun. She soon got the feeling that she needed a change “ a feeling that came from deep in her pretty little pooter. She started shooting hardcore scenes in 2010, and since then, Roxy has been flaunting her mind-blowing gaping abilities in a whole fuckload of movies, where you can see her doing all of her favorite things: gagging, spitting, roleplaying, humiliation, bondage, and of course, anal fisting. When Roxy doesnt find someone to shove their whole hand up her exit wound, she gets a grip and does it herself. Now thats dedication!
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