- Country:
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- Age:
- Height: 5 ft 7 in (170 cm)
- Weight:
- Official Site: -
- 472
- 9
- 687
Raylenes got one of those bodies that you could make multiple expeditions exploring. This MILF is so curvaceous, you might get dizzy riding that body from every angle¦ but ride it you must. Raylene brings such a sensual intensity to her on-screen fucking, you want to nominate her for the Oscar of your Balls. What is it about Raylene thats so special? If you look at her public profile these days, you might see how shes trying to be a normal person working as a real estate agent. Its just this veneer of being normal that makes Raylene, the porn superstar, so damn amazing. Shes the caring teacher, the nurturing neighbor, the healing nurse, always ready and willing to help a young guy ease the tension from his crotch veins. Nothing helps ease tension more than a pair of big tits so juicy and real. Grabbing those would make your palms erect, and burying your face in her cleavage could transport you into a puffy MILFy paradise. Her pussy and ass tunnel are also supercharged with tongue and cock magnets. Although she has the super sweet face and nice maternal attitude, this girl still does the slut dance when it comes to putting things up her nether holes. Whether she sits on a teen girls face or gets double plugged by two big black dicks, the Raylene experience will leave you reeling.
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