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Purple Bitch
- Country:
- City: Raccooncity, Czech Republic
- Age: 29
- Height: 5' 4" (162cm)
- Weight: 99lbs. (45kg)
- Official Site: -
- 447
- 4
- 0
Hello everybody! Follow my Onlyfans for extra stuff -> My name is Taty and Im very glad to see you on my Pornhub channel. I wanna tell you about me) I was born on December 25, 1995. Im a webcam model and video creator. My fav animals are raccoons and I have a pet-raccoon. His name is Kuzya:) I never drink alcohol and dont smoke because some years ago I had health problems. I love piercing and tattoos, but only on my body) I love anime, manga, comics, Marvel, series, cartoons and cosplay. I do only fan/ero cosplay because Im not professional cosplayer. I love to do a lot of content for my viewers and followers. Im not a gamer, but maybe when I will be an old woman I will start play video games a lot ahah I studied at a hairdresser, but my exhibitionism won and Im here lol
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