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- Height: 5 ft 3 in (160 cm)
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- 397
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- 152
Yowza! Check out the blonde French MILF known simply as Nomi! Shes really something. After watching Nomi make cocks disappear down her throat or seeing her dyke out with a sexy pal, you might jump up and give the screen a round of applause. Shes truly that spectacular of a slut. You might be shocked that this anal queen didnt make her first dirty movie until she was already 29 years old, but she quickly made up for lost time and has since shot over a hundred hardcore films, with the majority of them featuring her ass being worked over by all kinds of giant cocks. Born July 25, 1969, in Aisne, France, Nomi has starred in spank flicks for all the popular French and European porn producers, as well as many big American ones. Nicknamed ˜Tinkerbell X because of her bubbly personality, her small 53, 93lb frame, and her tendency to flutter her eyes, shes truly a one-of-a-kind cougar. Sweet when she needs to be, but vicious about her need for big dicks up her ass, Nomi doesnt waste a moment when it comes sex. Dont waste another moment, and get some Nomi into your life, courtesy of the Pornhub videos below.
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