Natalie Lust
- Country:
- City: -
- Age:
- Height: 5 ft 4 in (163 cm)
- Weight:
- Official Site: -
- 375
- 10
- 177
We dont need our teen porn starlets to be anything but young, dumb and ready for cum. Natalie Lust may not be the most creative girl, especially when it comes to choosing a stage name. Yes, this girl sucks and fucks, and therefore must be full of lust¦ we get it. But you know what? Who cares? She could name herself Natalie Lovestofuck, or Natalie Pornogirl, and it wouldnt change the fact that Natalie Lust is one of the most dangerously sexy teen babes working right now. Shes got that tight little body with sleek curves and tiny pointy titties that can make you faint from rapid blood loss from your head to your balls. Those hard, perky pink nips are like boner bullets aimed straight at your cum zone. Her pink penis wallet gets a good regular dosing of creampie injections and looks so damn cute when that silvery jizz slowly leaks out. When you see a big dick carefully easing itself right up her teen snatch, you might wince at first, but trust us... that fun tunnel eventually opens up to take the biggest and hardest ram rods, while Natalies cute fuck face tears and squeals with delight like an adorable horny piglet. One day, we bet that ass is going to join the party, too, but until then, you can watch that baby bubble behind clench up while shes getting slammed in the style of the dog, or sitting on top of a dong and riding it teeny cowgirl style until the cows come home.
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