Mya Diamond
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- Height: 5 ft 3 in (160 cm)
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Like a diamond in the rough or a gorgeous sparkling clit covered in pussy juice, we bring you the amazing Mya Diamond. She hails from some small town in Hungary “ the kind of place tourists love to visit and locals love to leave. Mya was no different, always dreaming of the big time, and this beauty sure knew how to get there. She studied languages, mostly English and German, to help her land those precious film roles she was always having wet and sticky dreams about. Now, its all of us in porno land who get dreams that leave our sheets hard and crusty, thanks to Mya Diamond. It all started when 21-year-old Mya showed off her amazing body and fabulous fuck skills for some Euro studios. This babe has the sweetest soft pair of dirty pillows for a rack, with heart-shaped areolas and tight pink breast buttons. Her ass sticks out more like a Latinas than that of a Euro babes, and Mya is well aware of that asss power over boners. More than half of her credits are for some heavy ass drilling, all of which include A2M and big gaping. Mya can suck a cock like a hoover in overdrive, and she can eat a pussy like she was at a watermelon-eating contest. These days, Mya works with top US studios and the most experienced boners so she can get the warmest and creamiest loads in the biz.
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