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- Height: 5 ft 8 in (173 cm)
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Teen sex kitten Meggan Mallone doesnt fuck around when it comes to attracting tons of attention. This girls body is like one giant magic wand that can make dicks stand up and cooters drool. You may not believe it by their natural voluptuous shape, but Meggans ace set of tits were custom designed and paid for, and whoever did her boob job is basically a certified genius. You get the perfect combination of tits that look natural, and the knowledge that this girl was willing to get them enhanced to enhance our viewing pleasure. Born and raised in Houston, Texas, Meggan is a mix of hot ethnic flavors all wrapped in one tight body. Shes got the free spirit of Ireland in her that gives her a feisty drive to fight and fuck. Shes got Cherokee Native blood, which you can see in her thousand-yard stare, especially when shes spying out a dick. Then theres some good German in her, which explains her love of thick sausage meat and how well she can stuff those Bratwurst Boners in her cute little mouth. When Meggan was just getting started, she got headhunted by Vivid Entertainment, who immediately recognized her talent for masturbatory inducement. Now, with close to 40 movies to her credit, Meggan has gone downtown on so many pussies, sucked so much pipe, gotten her delicious vagina stuffed and stretched so much, and taken so many loads of cum, that shes gone from average teen slut to full-fledged wonder whore.
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