Megan Salinas
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- Height: 5 ft 2 in (157 cm)
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Megan Salinas might be new to the scene, but in just a short time, her wonderful all-natural D cup boobs have been splashed across innumerable computer screens. Theyve also been splashed with a smearing of pearl necklace projectiles so often that her tits are at risk of impregnating someone. There is truly nothing more ball-worthy than a young teen with one hundred per cent real big boobs. Megan knows her strengths and just watching this fuck bunny in action proves it. Shes from that greatest of Southern powerhouse states, Texas, where the people know how to take command of what they want. Megan wants nothing but the simple things in life: to eat pussy, suck dick, have her tits worshipped, and get fucked so hard that Los Angeles County might register her sexcapades on the Richter scale. Megan is not only a tried and true Texas flower, but shes also got some spicy Mexican roots. With that combination working for her, we bet she could have singlehandedly ended the Mexican American war by making both sides sign a truce during an orgy. History aside, youve got to see Megan in action now. Whether shes tribbing poontang in teen lesbian flicks, or getting hot oil butt rubdowns, or just showing off her feet, Megan is loving every dirty minute of being an industry girl. We in fantasy land love every inch of footage this juicy tanned teen can shoot our way.
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