- Country:
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- Age:
- Height: 5 ft 5 in (165 cm)
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- Official Site: -
Cheerio, horndogs. Let us introduce you to the cheeky Lolly Badcock, all the way from jolly old England. This bird can handle a banger like a cup of tea, after which she digs getting that teabag dipped onto her face. Shes a sultry brunette who can spread her fanny wide enough for even the thickest of cocks, and she takes it up the ass so well, were surprised she doesnt have the words anal pleasetattooed on her butt cheeks. This is one kinky slut with a filthy mind who will raise your fly flag just by describing the things shed do to you, in her sexy British accent. Lolly loves getting down with girls as much as guys, and those bitches lick her cunt-hole like the lollipop she names herself after. Shes got several specialties to her name, aside from the run-of-the-mill suck-and-fuck fests. This girl loves to smoke a fag before she smokes a pole and can exhale smoke rings that look like fuck holes. Shes also a fan of water sporting, and if you dont know what that is, lets just say youd better bring an umbrella to bed if Lollys had a drink or two. With those natural 34 B breasts and chunky ass, this is one guaranteed hard-on of a showstopper. It doesnt matter what side of the Atlantic this girl is working on, because shes so hot, she can bring that ocean to a boil.
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