Lily Thai
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- Height: 5 ft 3 in (160 cm)
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- 117
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As far as exotic pussy goes, Lily Thai is one sexy ménage of Polynesian, Italian, Filipino, with some good old American girl thrown into the mix. Its like a perfect lesbian orgy right there in her genes. She was born and raised in Honolulu, which sounds like the perfect place for a young slut with a hot body to grow up, naked and tanning in the Pacific sun and fucking all night on the beach under that Hawaiian moon. It only makes sense that such a wet dream of a body would come from a land of fun, sun and sand. That tanned skin, black hair and chestnut eyes all radiate warm boner-making waves, and those are just the parts you see when shes dressed. When Lily bares it all, your Bermuda shorts wont stand a chance of staying clean. Whether you like her old school perky little tits, or her new excellent C cup implants, this girl has got the goods for all tastes. Her pussy is that perfect tone of brown and red, it must taste like sweet and salty coconut flesh and ocean water. Fucking that twat has to feel better than catching a break on that killer wave. Wed gladly surf in and out of any of Lilys warm and wet holes. Oh, did we mention Lily is also a hardcore squirter? One of this hot whores talents is showering with pussy love anyone that makes her squirm. That sticky love juice just sprays from her body like a gift from the Polynesian gods.
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