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Lily Love
- Country:
- City: -
- Age:
- Height: 5 ft 3 in (160 cm)
- Weight:
- Official Site: -
- 540
- 37
- 589
Big tits arent exactly a rare thing in the pornography game, but every now and then, a super babe comes along with a God-given natural pair of gazungas that make your tongue hit the floor and your boner bang your chin. One of those girls is Lily Love and were definitely enamored. This girl is quite new to the scene, but already shes making major waves in mens scrotums and ladies panties. Her tits are so magnificent that each individual one should have its own fan site. Together as a pair, youve got a dangerous partnership of duo-lithic proportions, which literally means, two great big breasts. Lily also has a pussy so warm, wet and dying for a cock, that when a stiffy comes near, you can practically hear those cunt flaps begin to wave it over. Shes a mega-awesome slut who cant help having the biggest smile even while shes balls-to-chin deep in blowjob town. She rides the dong train like she has a permanent first-class ticket and knows every in and out thrust better than the back of her hand. When this girl fucks the ground shakes, as does everyones wank hands from masturbatory tremors that can only be relieved with the delivery of a spunk package. Lily takes those loads of jizz any way she can¦ on her face, her tits, or, preferably, spat out of another girls mouth for some sweet cum-swapping action. Lily can be a sweetheart when she wants, and enjoys just being a girly girl when not getting reamed, although we know thats whats always in the back of her mind.
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