Lily Carter
- Country:
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- Age:
- Height: 5 ft 3 in (160 cm)
- Weight:
- Official Site: -
- 492
- 18
- 276
Lily Carter is made to make you believe in miracles. For example, how does this real cutie, standing a few short inches above five feet and weighing barely over one hundred pounds, handle such mean poundings from some of the biggest and hardest dicks in town? How does she fit inch after inch of thick veiny black dick through her pretty lips and so deep down her gullet? How does she bounce and ride cock without getting split in half? These questions are best left to the experts¦ this way were left staring in wonder with mouth agape, boners in fists, and swollen balls the size of watermelons, when we behold Lily Carter doing her thing. Lily Carter is one of those real girl porn superstars. She could sit next to you in class or serve you a bagel and coffee in a diner. You might even believe that Lily is a real actress, and this girl does have some dramatic chops, which she showed off in Elegant Angels high budget Wasteland from 2013. But lets not lose sight of some basic truths. Lily is a genuine sexy maniac slut bunny who loves getting men hard and chicks soaking wet. Lily can suck and fuck like she wrote the textbook on high-intensity sex acts. Lily Carter is a true superstar who youd gladly donate a gonad to, just to stand in a room that she recently queefed in. Its her hot model face, barely masking the filthy freak underneath, that is truly miraculous.
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Videos (18)
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