Lia Ezra
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Next time youre playing poker with your bros, and its that beer-soaked part of the night where youre talking about hot babes who youd like to ram, you can be the unique one and bring up Lia Ezra. They probably havent heard of her, as shes an amateur who dabbles in the ˜pro-am genre, but Lias a sexy little fuck-machine who pleases every guy who spends time with her. Shes a naughty hottie with a tight, young body and pretty face, long brown hair, and flawless tits and ass. Born and raised in South Florida, she busted into porn right at age 18, combining innocent appeal with a hardcore desire to be worked over by massive cocks. She was no stranger to hard dickings before she got into porn, but youll love watching her have sexual awakenings on film; most of her scenes feature her having new experiences. The first time she was with a woman was for porn, as was her first threesome and footjob. Lia Ezra is the real deal when it comes to slutty teens, and shes all yours to discover on Pornhub.
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