Lezley Zen
- Country:
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- Age:
- Height: 5 ft 6 in (168 cm)
- Weight:
- Official Site: -
- 389
- 10
- 179
After a day of work, stress, and all kinds of other BS you dont need, what better way to kick back and relax than to get into some zen¦ Lezley Zen. Nothing takes a load off your shoulders, and out of your ball sack, better than Lezley and her great big fake tits. Her rack is a pair of perfectly rounded pleasure orbs, full of fun flesh and topped with cherry nips. Lezley has that tall, tight figure, a solid-gold ass to support her boobage, and she puts every inch of her hot bod to work until she gets to the jizz zone. Its not only her tits and ass that stand out; Lezleys got goods that fold in, like her blowjob-hungry mouth and her hot cock-pocket of a poon, which is totally tang-a-liscious. Lezley used to work in the service industry before she got started professionally servicing dicks and pussies on camera. One day, just for fun, she signed up for an amateur stripper night to test the waters. After the crowd collectively came and showered her with applause, she got the bug to take her naked awesomeness to the next level where she would try out her fuck skills. Discovering that she had such a taste for cock, and such a way with pussy, Lez was signing deals and taking facials in no time. Walking away with a load of nominations in her very first year, Lezley knew she had found her calling as a super slut star.
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