Kendra Lust
- Country:
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- Height: 5 ft 4 in (163 cm)
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- Official Site: -
- 734
- 51
- 896
You ever hear the expression late bloomer? It has nothing to do with flowers or onions. It means when a regular woman suddenly discovers theres this fantastic superstar slut in her dying to get out. Meet Kendra Lust. If the last name doesnt say it all, buy a dictionary. Kendra had no idea when she was a young girl that she should soon be a top-billed porn queen. Things started late for her when she took up dancing to make some cash. Finally, at the ripe and fiery cougar age of 34 years old, Kendra realized her destiny: to master cock and twat in the porniverse. Nowadays, you cant say the word MILF without drooling out the name Kendra Lust. So whats the difference between a cougar and a MILF? Check out any of Kendras videos to find out. One has the insatiable need for any cock she can get it. The other has that sweet, maternal, nurturing desire to coax the cum right out of your pants. But boys dont hog all the attention. In Kendras own words, she just wants to take a nice young innocent girl & fuck the slut into her!Now thats a quote that can rival Shakespeare or your insurance policy. Maybe because Kendra started so late that it is her mission to help young sluts realize their potential. Theres that nurturing MILF attitude again¦ always a giver. So lets give Kendra some love and spank one out over her crazy cougar body.
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Videos (51)
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