Kelly Divine

Kelly Divine


  • Country:
  • City: -
  • Age:
  • Height: 5 ft 8 in (173 cm)
  • Weight:
  • Official Site: -

  • 475
  • 5
  • 546
Theres a dirty secret that Catholic school girls are the freakiest. Well, Kelly Divine blew that secret out of the water because we all know what kind of sex fiend and horny freak Kelly can be. Weve seen this girl do things even the craziest porn writers couldnt wet dream about. Kelly Divines ass alone has seen more hammering than a construction site. Her pussy has been creampied more times than a French pastry shop. That mouth has tasted more sausage than all of Oktoberfest. One time in an infamous Brazzers video, Kelly snorted a line of cum right off another sluts ass. Now that is dedication to pushing the limits. Kelly went from a Catholic schoolgirl to beauty school¦ not that this gorgeous number needed instructions in beauty. She quickly realized doing makeup and hair wasnt satisfying her. Shed rather mess up her hair and let makeup run down her face from hot, sweaty sex scenes. Before taking the plunge in smut-ville, she tested the waters with web cams and modeling. You know what they say: Aint no business like show business, and we mean showing off the goods in hardcore action. When she came on the scene, we all came hard and have been draining our balls over her videos ever since. Nowadays, Kelly is always on the lookout for the next big hard dick she can totally dominate. You could bet that the lineup for potential dong donors is out the door for this one.