Katie Cummings
- Country:
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- Age:
- Height: 5 ft 5 in (165 cm)
- Weight:
- Official Site: -
- 343
- 1
- 51
Every now and then, we get a young girl whos simply not destined to travel the path of your typical teen porn slut. Take Katie Cummings for example, the Miami-born Cuban princess. Instead of strutting around in a tiny teen body with cute little mosquito bite tits and a little packed-in ass, Katies body skipped that step completely. Instead, Katie rocks a fantastic pair of 36 E Cup tits, and those milk sacks are completely natural, without an ounce of enhancement. In fact, the only thing ˜enhancing about her tits is the way theyll enhance the size of your tit-fucking ram rod, to squeeze into her tight cleavage and adorn those boobs with a nice pearl necklace. Katie is deliciously curvy girl, and to get the full curve effect, youve gotta move from her tits to her ass. Heres where Katie really outshines the competition for white teen babes. Katie is a true booty girl, the definition of a PAWG, with a trunk so bountiful, it must be full of treasure, rather than your ordinary junk. Katie knows how to work that backside, too¦ she pops it on dong and makes her cheeks slap and clap each other in dick adoration. Finally, unlike other young up-and-comers, Katie doesnt make us wait for the real hard stuff. She loves black dick and interracial fuck stuffing, best of all. The way she expertly opens her pie hole for Ebony bone is something you just have to see to believe.
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