Katerina Hartlova
- Country:
- City: Prague, CZ
- Age: 39
- Height: 5 ft 6 in (168 cm)
- Weight:
- Official Site: -
- 203
- 0
- 380
Its impossible not to <3 Katerina Hartlova. Katerinas qualities speak for themselves, and if those tits of hers could speak, theyd be louder than a megaphone running through a 4000-watt PA system, because those boobs are boomin! Katerina grew up in a tiny village in the Czech Republic, nestled between the two mountainous regions of Bohemia and Moravia. As if her body took a cue from the natural landscape, she grew up with two mountains of her own. Katerina is all natural and that especially goes for her DD-action rack. Those fun-floppers hang off her hot body like works of Rococo art which, despite their largess, definitely dont sag. When Katerina lies on her back and holds those gallon cans together, thats a hot invitation for a massive dick to tunnel through her heaving cleavage. Katerinas sizeable boobs are just one representation of her personality, like her big desire to be naked, and her huge vaginal hunger to get stuffed. When shes not oiling up her chest and massaging those pups to high heaven, Katerina is often found shoving anything long, thick and ribbed, up her Slavic slit, then sucking off those toys to taste her own sweet ˜n savory pussy flavors. Every now and then, she needs the real thing, and some extremely lucky dude gets to ram his rod into her holiest of holies.
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