- Country:
- City: Kentucky, US
- Age: 37
- Height: 5 ft 7 in (170 cm)
- Weight:
- Official Site: -
When you want some dark-ass eye candy to help you in a tug-along, what are the things you look for? Big round fat booty? Of course. Thick and swollen purple pussy lips? You bet! Smooth chocolaty skin that shines in the heat of the funk? For sure! Luscious cock-hugging lips? Absolutely! So let us introduce the amazingly sweet and sexy Kapri Styles. Despite her name, the only time Styles is being capricious is when her G-spot senses a hard dick poking around. This girl has also got some wicked style, and were not just talking about her kinky outfits. Her style ranges from mad blowing skills to ridonkulous ass-popping action. Shes got those thick mocha power thighs you just want to squeeze around your face and make your brain pop. Kapri really does do it all and loves every minute of her nastiness. Her ass has seen so much dick pumping, its possible she has penis-enlarging proteins hidden up there. Her whole body is one smooth curve of fuck flesh snaking down and around those mad hips. In case you think weve forgotten Kapris upper-body strengths, dont worry, because her tits are so smooth and tasty, theyre probably stuffed with Viagra-laced chocolate pudding. Kapri is just an all-out gorgeous face atop a sick-ass body whos always willing to get it on with anybody, anywhere. Whether its white dicks, black dicks or even girl tongues, everything looks good being inserted into Kapri.
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