Jojo Kiss
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- Height: 5 ft 6 in (168 cm)
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- Official Site: -
- 575
- 40
- 621
Originally from Florida, Jojo Kiss joined the porn industry a few months after turning 18 so she could capitalize on her beauty at that early stage. She has natural 34C tits which have brought her much attention. She had only been with 2 girls and 9 guys before smut”the early beginnings of a future slut! Jojo loves shooting porn because she gets to have sex without the hassle of dating someone. You dont have to text them all the time or care about their feelings; you just show up, have tons of fun, and then go home. When she does date, Jojo prefers older guys for their confidence and sexual adeptness. Jojo doesnt get to masturbate much now that shes doing porn. She has so many pornstar roommates that she rarely gets a moment to herself, and when she does, shes just too tired to make an orgasm happen, so she saves all of her sexual energy for the big screen. Having worked in a sex shop before she joined the porn industry, she clearly had an early interest in sexuality. Besides fucking, she loves to go out to a nice dinner. The self-professed foodie says dining is her biggest expense because she loves to treat herself. If you wanna date Jojo, shes looking for a guy who can fuck her like a slut but also make love to her when the time is right. She sees herself doing anal sometime in her porn career, but shes waiting for just the right moment to open her backdoor.
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