Jana Cova
- Country:
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- Height: 5 ft 4 in (163 cm)
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- Official Site: -
- 335
- 5
- 1178
Jana Cova describes herself as a bisexual, which means, in her everyday public life, she probably enjoys choking on a dick every now and then¦ and maybe even has a regular boyfriend to keep her pristine vajeen nice and stuffed. In the land of pornography, though, she is a manic muff-muncher and slit-licking enthusiast. Addicted to the smell and taste of hot, sweaty vaginas, Jana moans in pleasure as her mouth and those pussy lips connect and make out for hours. Jana also gets down and nasty with her tongue up some hot babes butthole, just as she loves girly tongues in her genital openings. Born in the Czech Republic, in a small town in Southern Moravia, with a lovely fairytale childhood, Jana grew up to be a smart, strong, healthy girl with a hankering to experience the world and eat tons of pussy. Her natural stunning looks landed her some work as a bikini model, which later evolved to nude modeling and exotic softcore modeling. This slowly took her to making movies, almost exclusively with other chicks. Her golden blonde hair, round, porcelain cheeks, and rosebud lips, make her an angel to look upon, and her girl partners go nuts as soon as they lay eyes on her. With close to 300 movies, one award and many nominations to her name, Jana Cova has made tons of lucky girls smile from clit to butthole.
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