Helly Mae Hellfire
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- Height: 5 ft 3 in (160 cm)
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- 337
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Turn up the AC, because Helly Mae Hellfire will get your scrotal and vaginal temperatures skyrocketing with her fiery brand of nastiness. Helly is one super slut of a performer, with streaked, dirty blonde hair, high cheek bones, and pinkish, juiced-up blowjob lips that will add inches to any cock before making it disappear down her throat. Her body is as skinny as a twig, which only accentuates those huge boobs of hers, whichll you do a double take every time you see them. Her phat D-cup titties are perfect spheres and seem to push off her chest in their eagerness to get squeezed, groped and fondled, with hot nips that practically call your teeth to come by and nibble them. Her pussy is always getting juicy in anticipation, and her ass-cheeks tremble with excitement whenever those porn cams are getting ready to roll. Helly hails from Toronto “ Canadas busiest and most bustling city. Being an urban gal, she loved the diversity of people shed meet, especially when it came to discovering new shapes, sizes and colors of cocks to suck on. She started her career by doing some exotic dancing, and later, nude modelling, gaining extra attention for her incredibly aggressive kinkiness and eager depravity. By the time she started her porno work, she was ready for the most intense genres, including interracial glory-holes, soccer-mom orgies, and mother-daughter cock-sucking lessons. Helly Mae is a surefire hell-fire in the bone zone.
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