Heather Vandeven
- Country:
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- Age:
- Height: 5 ft 8 in (173 cm)
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- Official Site: -
- 336
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- 237
Oh Heather Vandeven, with your curly, dirty blonde locks, your hemispheric boobs, your mastery at giving the camera crazy fuck-me eyes, and your never-ending lust to stick things up your pristine vajeen¦ what we wouldnt give to spend five minutes in a room youve just masturbated in. This girl is top runway-model material all the way who could also easily strut her stuff down a white, sandy beach in a body-hugging one-piece or spaghetti-string bikini. Whatever Heather decides to do with her killer figure, the hordes of porno paparazzi will be sticking to her like cum on a pretty face. Heather was born and raised in Hollywood, California, and therefore always stood up to the insanely hot standards of the glitterati famous for that neck of the woods. She joined the army after high school, and mustve had some early girl-on-girl experiences from cuddling up in her barracks with her fellow female soldiers. We bet that, after a good days basic training and exercise, these proud chicks of the U.S. Military loved to give each other sweet massages, hot tongue baths, and gently work their fingers up each others US Grade twattage to help relax. Now, Heather is a full-fledged muff muncher and pie-hole pleaser. Chicks probably walk away with amnesia after some of Heathers hot tongue action, as a result of the mind-blowing experience. When Heather is all alone with no pussy to play with, you can bet that shes keeping busy with her arsenal of toys to get her G-spot roaring.
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