Havana Ginger
- Country:
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- Age:
- Height: 5 ft 3 in (160 cm)
- Weight:
- Official Site: -
- 310
- 4
- 191
Hold on to your pizza, guys, because its massive pepperoni areola time. The one and only Havana Ginger is a sexy Latina superstar whose big claim to fame is her big juicy tits topped off with some of the roundest and widest nipple plates the industry has ever seen. Were serious¦ you could eat a whole meal of ˜arroz con gris off of her amazing titty disks. It is only fitting for a girl to have such wide areolas when her boobs boast an impressive Double D size, which this chica uses so well to wrap up manly chorizo for a fantastic titty fucking. Havana is just a super kinky and dirty slut all around. Almost every dick she meets gets the chance to explore up her twat and also do some deep burrowing up her brown-town butt tunnel. Her dark Caribbean pussy is a nice vertical slit where tons of guys and gals have had to pay their tongue respects until her clit gets so engorged that she could use it as a third nipple. This girl is also into the weirder fetish stuff, like heavy bondage, domination, and submission¦ not that she has trouble finding freaks who willingly submit to her rough brand of fucking. She rocks the kinky leather and chains, and can foot fuck the hell out of a boner. This is one juicy slut junky who is as versatile in her orgasmic hunting as she is desperate to get soaked in twat sauce and ball cream.
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