Ginger Lynn
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- Height: 5 ft 3 in (160 cm)
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- 293
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Long before everybodys favorite Winner, the Great Mr. Sheen was getting cute and cuddly with todays young sluts, his original porn pal was the legendary Ginger Lynn: a defining fuck star from the ˜80s, with the big teased hair and peachy blonde bushy poonany, whose body looked fantastic even in that grainy camcorder quality. Even today, Ginger is still sucking dick and fucking strong, now that shes an unquestionable MILF. Her mature pussy looks fantastic smothered against some young dude or teeny girls face. Her pussy and asshole are both still starring players, especially when getting a good cock job by a big black dude. As Gingers story goes, she grew up in Illinois but always wanted to move to California. Once hitting the sunny West Coast, she took to modeling and nude dancing, before she was courted onto a porn set to get a serious dicking for the cameras. She has since made forays into mainstream TV and film, but nothing as memorable as when she was choking on dick or eating out some pussy. Over the years, she came in and out of the business, making major waves every time she was back, like in Dirty Rotten Mother Fuckerswhere she had a slamming sexcapade with the notorious James Deen, who is 24 years her junior. Shes also been experimenting with the darker side of smut with San Frans Kink.com. Ginger Lynn is like an encyclopedia of porn, and a history course in filthy fucking, which every horny student should commit to testicular memory.
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