Gianna Lynn
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- Height: 5 ft 4 in (163 cm)
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- 346
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- 122
Forget about ˜me love you long time because Gianna Lynn is more like ˜suck and fuck your brains out long time! Gianna is by far one of the sexiest girls to ever walk the planet, let alone to strip down and stretch her fuck holes for the cameras. Born in the Philippines, this super-babe is of mixed Filipina, Chinese and Spanish descent, combining Oriental allure and subservience with the Spanish lust for life. Gianna moved to California and adopted that fantastic American cheerleader personality, with a can-do attitude and the ambition to be a star. Were lucky she chose porn as the place to aim her goals for stardom, and now weve got over 200 fabulous Gianna Lynn fuck films to drool over. Giannas body is a gift to your eyeballs and a present to your thigh-balls. Shes got South Pacific tanned skin, deeply pleasing eyes, and lips as soft and pink as flower petals. Her firm, round tits were superbly crafted by expert hands, giving her a gorgeous pair of 34Cs. Her ass, thighs, and legs are smooth and fresh, always emanating warmth. Gianna is a simple girl with simple needs. She loves cock and the taste of cum in her mouth or the warm wet feeling of it on her pretty face. She adores vagina and can eat it for three or more meals a day. Finally, she loves herself, which is clear from her many solo masturbation movies. Check out her enthusiasm for all things wet ˜n horny in her many clips here on Pornhub.
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