Faye Runaway
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- Height: 5 ft 4 in (163 cm)
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- Official Site: -
- 355
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Sometimes you need to do a double take when checkin out a nice, blonde American teen and ask yourself: can that girl really fit three huge Black dicks in her at the same time? When you initially see the tight ˜n tiny Faye Runaway, you might doubt her extreme whorishness, but little Faye can take it like a champ and dish it back even harder. Shes a cute little girl with a slight punky edge, and an attitude that promises she doesnt take shit from anybody. Born in Michigan to a good working-class family, she dreamt of escaping saw mills, iron foundries, and blue-collar bars for bright lights and sexy cities. By the age of 20, shed put her past on the long road behind her, and was ready to cruise on the cock and vag highway all the way to sunny LA. Her first few scenes involved sucking dick and licking lesbian snatch and a-hole. She then starred in titles like Butt Licking Anal Whoresand In It Goes Out It Cums, handling massive cocks pummeling her gorgeous little asshole, sucking out creampies, and cleaning ass sauce off big shafts. Faye has proven to be a wicked slut and demanding whore. Theres nothing she loves better than a runaway train of cocks coming into Faye Station.
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