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Devyn Divine is a sweetheart who only made a few porn movies in 2015, but shes so sweet and cute that shes still well remembered for her contributions to the porn biz. Even though she only made a couple of flix, she wrote a number of articles for various industry outlets, demonstrating her enlightened perspective on the porn biz. It seems that she was in the biz before, in 2005 or 2006, but then maybe she came back, or someone with the same name decided to try to make a porn career for herself. Anyways, the earlier Devyn Devine is a busty cutie with full 38DDD tits. Devyn is originally from Brooklyn, NY, which explains her tenacious attitude. At age 18 she went to Alaska to become a stripper, and she loved the lifestyle that saw her showing off her tits to anyone who wanted to see them. She did her first shoot in Miami after posting online to find some hot jobs, and she then started traveling to do porn. She was scared of going to LA because of her Rubenesque figure, so she went to London, Paris, and everywhere else she could think of before finally stopping off in LA for a month to shoot some porn. She had a good time in Cali but things got confusing for her, so its no wonder she only made a few porn movies. Her fans naturally hope she comes back, but she seems like a girl whos always on the go and trying something new, so we hope shes getting her huge knockers worshipped and having a good time getting laid whenever she wants.
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