Crystal Clear

Crystal Clear


  • Country:
  • City: -
  • Age:
  • Height: 5 ft 4 in (163 cm)
  • Weight:
  • Official Site: -

  • 207
  • 2
  • 21
Hailing from Montreal, Canada, Crystal Clear is the perfect young fuck doll. Her delicate beauty will move you. Her jet-black hair is a striking contrast to her pale soft skin, and her teenage-like looks and innocent smile contrast nicely with her slutty screw skills. A natural and a true nymphomaniac, porn was the obvious career choice for this girl who cant keep her clit in her pants. Her first job was in telemarketing, but she was fired after fucking four of the supervisors who worked over her. Youd think that would lead to a promotion, but Crystal figures its because she didnt screw the head boss. After a brief period as a stripper, she rocketed into the porno world at age 19. Among her many talents is her ability to stuff a number of cocks into her mouth all at once, take giant dick up her tiny ass, and to gush buckets of lady-cum while orgasming. Within her first year in the biz, she starred in a scene billed as ˜the worlds oldest gangbang, screwing 50 guys over the age of 60. Her squirting skills have served Crystal well in the niche of lesbian bukkake “ a genre that deserves more attention. Theres nothing more impressive than a gang of porn chicks squirting all over each other. With flicks this perverted already under her belt, were sure Crystals porn career is clearly going to be one to follow.