Chloe Brooke
- Country:
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- Age:
- Height: 5 ft 6 in (168 cm)
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- Official Site: -
- 315
- 4
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Do you know teen wet-dream Chloe Brooke? Shes got green eyes, blonde hair, fresh face, slender body, and tiny perky titties. Does she sound like someone youd like? Were positive she is, but to be sure... what if we told you that she takes it up the ass? Chloe makes dicks hard and balls tight whenever she shows up with her hot young bod and cock-sucking skills. Her bio is pretty straightforward: high school → graduation → dead-end retail job → porn at age 18. Youll have to fill in the rest if youre wondering how she got so good at screwing. When asked why she chose to make dirty movies for a living, she responded, Because I like sex.For such a youthful babe, she fucks like an experienced whore whos been at this for decades. Her favorite position is reverse-cowgirl, and her favorite place to receive the money-shot is on her face or all over her freshly shaved pussy. We mentioned that shes no stranger to butt sex, and like the good little slut she is, she did anal soon after starting in the biz in a b/g/g threesome where she sucks on clit while getting her behind rammed. Live life to the fullest and cream one out to Chloe Brooke.
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