Cassandra Calogera
- Country:
- City: Boston, US
- Age: 38
- Height: 5 ft 3 in (160 cm)
- Weight:
- Official Site: -
- 313
- 2
- 130
When youve had enough of all the phoniness in the world “ all the fakers and haters and wannabes “ theres nothing more refreshing than getting a faceful of natures wonders. Were not talking about fresh country air or a bouquet of roses; were talking about fat, natural titties, and no girl is going to deliver the goods as bountifully as Cassandra Calogera. This babe is a magnificent specimen of bodacious real boobage and those heaving puppies are huge sacks of genuine fun. You could bury your bare face in her cleavage and not come out until youve grown a full beard. Cassandra has been starring in tons of big-naturals films ever since she got started in porn when she was 21. Before that, she grew up in a small Connecticut town, but always wanted to move westward. At 19, she began her slutty journey across the country, stopping to be a dancer in towns in Colorado and Arizona, before finally making it to Hollywood. There, she got into solo scenes, just rubbing her tits and pinching her nips. Later, she started getting a taste for pussy and did some lesbian action. Finally, this girl couldnt resist getting some cock to fuck her cleavage, screw her mouth, and pummel the depths of her hot pussy. To top it all off, Cassandra has a gorgeous face with deep Mediterranean eyes and a wickedly naughty smile. When shes done a scene and takes a facial, that grin of hers grows from ear to ear.
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