Cali Lee
- Country:
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- Height: 5 ft 0 in (152 cm)
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- Official Site: -
- 247
- 3
- 28
Sometimes, being so damn hot and sexy can get you into a bit of trouble, especially with psycho jealous ex-˜s. Take Cali Lee. This girl is an adorable warm-skinned Asian Latina mix with a natural body, a sweet smile, and a healthy hankering for cock of all shapes and sizes. If youre a follower of celebrity scandal gossip, then you mayve heard of Cali as the girl who Britney Spears boyfriend was banging when Brits back was turned. The Spears team got so freaked out that they tried to silence Cali with a nasty lawyer letter, but this didnt phase Cali one bit. Calis got way more important things to think about than someone elses relationship troubles, like making awesome, sweaty porn for her hordes of horny fans. Cali started shooting smut scenes at the tender age of 19, and this girl will be able to pull off that dirty teen look for years to come. Shes got delectable tiny tits and a tight brown ass without an ounce of extra jiggle on it. Throw a plaid miniskirt on her and let her chew on the end of a pencil, and your balls will be doing somersaults in your scrotum. You have just got to see Cali gently handle a boner and slowly inch the whole shaft down her teeny throat. Shes even done one of her maiden scenes with the infamous Ron Jeremy, the pervy father figure of teen corruption. Were sure that Calis career has staying power much stronger than that washed-up singer she side-bitched to.
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