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- Height: 5 ft 2 in (157 cm)
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You know the saying that big girls are better because theres more of them to love? Well, Bunny De La Cruz has got fuck-tons more of her to ogle and fuck. This girl packs in the pounds so neatly that any BBW fanatic will have a nut-busting party in their pants the moment they lay eyes on her heaving soft body. Bunny is a true California babe from Long Beach who grew up loud and proud of her portly awesomeness. Theres just so much sexual energy buzzing around her booming thighs, her fat tits, and her mega pound-cake of an ass. The great thing is, every ounce of fuck flesh on Bunny is 100% real, not excluding her JJ rack; most girls would need a lifetime of savings for surgery to aspire to. Its no wonder that some of Bunnys scenes on Pornhub have racked up over 3 million hits, which just goes to show, not all men like skinny little bitches. Bunny is no bitch, but a pure sweetheart and a caring giver. When she opens up her mouth for some oral action, shes making mouth love to those cocks like it was a honeymoon. Fucking Bunnys thick-lipped pussy is like inserting your cock into the richest tunnel of creamy cake. When its finally time to blow a load, youve got lots of easy targets to aim for on Bunnys big beautiful body.
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