Bobbi Starr
- Country:
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- Age:
- Height: 5 ft 8 in (173 cm)
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- Official Site: -
- 395
- 11
- 752
Bobbi Starr is one of those porn stars who just seems like a fun girl to hang with. Always smiling, laughing, not taking herself too seriously, and always down to get balls-to-lips deep on some cock, or nose-to-muff in some twat¦ either way, Bobbi isnt picky. Shes the laid back, easy going neighborhood slut who just so happens to make everyone around her feel good and comfortable¦ and super horny. Who wouldnt get their sex juices boiling over Bobbi Starr? Shes got these long legs that meet at the sluttiest deep vagina, topped with that famous muff toupee. Those pink pussy lips just wrap so naturally around a glistening rod, its like they were made for the camera. Bobbis also got an ass that you could eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and there would still be leftovers to share with your friends. In fact, Bobbi loves sharing her body with as many partners as possible, chicks and dicks alike. When she fucks, we get the feeling that this star is loving every moment of cock impalement, as if every thrust sends her deeper into porno-flavored orgasmic bliss. The way this girl goes after cum proves what kind of horny freak lies underneath those playful features. Everything about her is real, from her natural horniness to her natural little tits. Those tits might not be huge but they work just fine on Bobbis body. When her naked and sweaty body rides a cock, you bet those perky little titties fling themselves round and round oh so nicely.
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