Arya Fae
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- Height: 5 ft 3 in (160 cm)
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- 489
- 36
- 184
Arya Fae is a friendly-looking blonde girl who started doing porn in 2016. She stands 5 feet 3 inches tall and weighs 110 pounds. She has 32B tits, a 26 waist and a 36 ass. Part Cherokee, part Irish and part Russian, shes well known for being super flexible and contorting herself into the hottest positions during a hardcore fuck session. Arya didnt watch much porn before joining the industry but she was a fan of Katie Morgan. Because Aryas a submissive chick, she wants Lyra Law and Michael Vegas to do a threesome with her, in which they DP her and fuck her into submission “ not that it would be hard to get her to bend over for that pair! Even so, she mentions that Mick Blue is actually her favorite male performer to work with because he made her squirt from her ass with his talented cock. She also mentions loving Violet Starr because of her nice booty and the undeniable attraction between the two. Ms. Fae became a porn performer because a lot of her friends were doing it. She realized she could make a whole career out of fucking hot people on camera and let out her artistic side on the internet. She started with nude photo shoots, and then slowly got into porn scenes. Aryas goal for the industry is to become so well known that she gets the chance to star in a movie which lets her use her acting chops. Whether its in the form of a serious role or a comedic role, she can have a blast doing it all! Check out this beautiful artsy blonde - youll be glad you did.
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