Arteya Dee
- Country:
- City: Budapest, HU
- Age: 30
- Height: 5 ft 6 in (168 cm)
- Weight:
- Official Site: -
- 171
- 4
- 0
Dont believe your eyes when you look at me. Im a sweet blonde angel on the outside, but on the inside I can be a little perky devil of lust. I love everything that excites me and brings me joy “ from computer games and tattoo art to getting fucked to a screaming orgasm or playing kinky fetish games with my sexy girlfriends. Sometimes my passions just take full control over me and thats when I really go wild and do some hot and crazy stuff in front of the camera. I chat, I have fun, I flirt with my fans, I pose and strip and go nasty and wild. Which side of me will you see today? Come inside and find out!
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