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Angell Summers
- Country:
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- Height: 5 ft 4 in (163 cm)
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- 422
- 9
- 183
How do you say Oh là là in English? The answer might be Angell Summers. This Euro slut combines that French sophistication for fine wine, poetry and eau de toilette, with down-to-earth raunchy hunger to get fondled, fingered and fucked until her makeup runs down her face and gets replaced with a load of penis paste. Dont let her chosen stage name fool you, because while she does have the pretty face of a fallen angel of paradise, Angell can be a downright nasty devil, especially if she isnt getting a full-service ride on the cock caboose. Angell has some of the smoothest and creamiest pale tits in the biz today¦ nice and juicy, and perfect for a hard squeeze into optimal tit fuck position. Her bosom emanates a warm invitation for some sloppy motorboating. This girls body is perfect, with the right amount of fuck padding in all the right places, so banging Angell is like getting a horny cuddle from a plushy sex doll. Shes got gorgeous thick folds around her pink pussy that can envelope a dick and keep it sucked in there until it is certifiably drained. Her thick and juicy twat lips demand to get sucked and tongued individually before you get to worship her swollen clit. Then theres that big amazing ass, which Angells been putting to work in films like Anal Gaping Sluts. Mademoiselle Summers does her porn acting in both English and French, so you can get a good language lesson while relieving your ball stress at the same time.
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