Andie Valentino

Andie Valentino


  • Country:
  • City: -
  • Age:
  • Height: 5 ft 0 in (152 cm)
  • Weight:
  • Official Site: -

  • 358
  • 1
  • 316
Every day is Valentines Day when youve got Andie Valentino queued up for some after-dinner entertainment. Andie can make even the most wayward wanderer want to settle down, if only he had the chance to worship at her slender ankles all day and orally massage her immaculate vagina all night. Andie may be a bit short but is otherwise so perfect in every way that youd think she was surrounded by some virtual reality airbrush filter. But thats just her natural beauty, which makes the natural internal temperature of scrotes and G-zones rise several degrees to steaming. That ass of hers is like the forbidden fruit, which both Adam, Eve, and the serpent would orgiastically devour in seconds even if it meant being banned from eternity. She could be so sweet that your dick-mouth would pucker in her presence, and then she could be dirty and sultry in the next breath. Born in the cozy town of Newport Beach, California, she grew up a shy, nerdy girl. While studying business at the age of 18, her then-boyfriend realized it would be a crime to keep her awesome looks and fat tits to himself. Together they started her porn career as a premiere nude model, horny masturbator, and extreme lesbian labia licker, and the world has been a happier and hornier place ever since.