Andi Anderson
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- Height: 5 ft 3 in (160 cm)
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- 315
- 6
- 167
California girl Andi Anderson is the sort of blonde, blue-eyed, babe that any red-blooded man would lust after. Outfitted with big tits, a big butt, a tiny waist, and a dripping wet pussy, shes the pornstar ideal. Shes the type of girl you jacked off to in your head before you discovered her videos on Pornhub. Born in ˜87, in El Dorado Hills, in sunny Cali, Andi was a goody two-shoes growing up, until her inner slut was awakened in high school. She was in the high school band and worked hard to get a band scholarship (we should ask her if those stories about band camp are true..). When Andi went on a vacation to Hawaii she got tan, and hair went blonde. At the same time, her tits came in. Suddenly all the boys were paying attention to her, and she loved it. Andi transformed into a mega whore and relished every minute of it. Her favorite thing to do was to take mens virginity, and she claimed shed sleep with any guy who told her he was a virgin! This was all very useful training for the adult industry, which she entered when she turned 20. So how did Andi go from garden variety harlot to adult performer? Strangely, her pornstar career was inspired by Disneyland! Andi was attending college and working part-time when her then-boyfriend invited her to go to Disneyland with him and his family. She got stuck at work and missed the trip. Pissed off, Andi decided she wanted more freedom and not to be chained down by school and a dead-end job, so she went into porn. It was the right choice, and Andi has since starred in over 100 scenes of amazing hardcore action!
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