Amia Miley
- Country:
- City: Sherman Oaks, US
- Age:
- Height: 5 ft 3 in (160 cm)
- Weight:
- Official Site: -
- 703
- 22
- 725
Imagine the smallest, most petite girl ever, and then imagine shes got the biggest attitude when it comes to being a spoiled bitch who gets what she wants. Youve just imagined the one and only Amia Miley. Were sure Amia is a sweet girl when she wants to be, but who wants sweet when we can get downright nasty? Amia nails it as the cute but rude slut who will cut a man down to size even while hes pummeling her extremely tight pussy. She can do that pouty-faced mean girl so well when shes waiting for her cock to please her that you just want to make that mouth smile by stuffing it. After her railings, you can see the distorted bliss on Amias face, covered in cum and dreaminess. Amias reign of petite queens took on some new dimensions back in 2010, when she decided to break in to the bustier genre of sluts. She commissioned a genius who supplied her rack with the extra girth, bringing her lovely tits from Bs to Ds¦ bigger, but not too big to slow her down. Now when she rides the rod shes just got so much more bounce in her body. Somehow, her ass manages to stay tight and fit while also helping to balance out her new tits. That butthole of hers is such a treasure, men would hike across deserts just to graze it with the tips of their noses. Amia gives every ounce of her filth-filled body to her performances and you should give every ounce of your ball juice to watching them.
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