Alison Faye
- Country:
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- Age:
- Height: 5 ft 5 in (165 cm)
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- Official Site: -
- 406
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Heres a fresh piece of tits and ass so nubile and young that the hair on your palms will look grey in contrast to her. Alison Faye is the perfect recipe for an evening of hot teen fantasy wanking and finger-jamming. Shes got the body of a swimmer gliding across a pool of jizz. Her tits might be small, but they prove that hot things come in small packages. Those little buds practically come alive at the nip when shes feeling that horny energy creep through her light and lithe body. Alison is pan-sexually charged all the time, so any guy or girl could brush against her or whisper pervy nothings in her ear, and her fresh-as-a-daisy vagina will ooze girl-cum down her perfect thighs. Her light brown hair, creamy pale skin, and glistening pink pussy all make her a feast for your eyes from top to bottom. Surely there are plenty of lucky pro performers who have feasted on her sweet ˜n salty snatch. A fan of the ladies and the men equally, Alison can often be found having slumber parties with her girlfriends where they all perfect their kissing skills, both on the mouth and down in the thigh fold. She likes teens and MILFs, young bucks and pervy adults. Even when she has the misfortune of being alone, you can bet shell be tirelessly working her digits up inside her magic fun zone.
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