Alana Rains
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- Height: 5 ft 9 in (175 cm)
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Alana Rains may seem young and green, but this not-so-short teen slut has been quickly checking off a multitude of porn genres in her time onscreen. Hardcore anal drilling: check. Deep-throating thick Black dicks in IR scenes: check. Cum swallowing, ass to mouth, cream pies: check, check, check! Alana is so damn cute that its hard to imagine her in such compromising positions, with big dicks stuffing her every orifice and covering her in splooge, but nothing makes this chick happier. Tall, thin, and smooth like butter all over, she sports a pair of bee-sting tits and perfect nips with epic pointy pinkness. Her skin is flawless, and her soft but firm flesh stretches in subtle curves ˜round her thighs and over her porcelain peach of an ass. Alanas face sometimes has the expression of an angel, especially when shes struggling to fit a thick dick in her mouth and looks up with her big, trusting doe eyes. Other times you can see the devil brewing in her expression, like when shes waiting impatiently to shoot some sweet smut. Although she loves to take it any way its dished, she especially loves it hard and merciless, making adorable grunt faces as her insides get distended to the max. That said, Alana will also settle for pussy-munching with her besties as a way to relax before taking on her next monster schlong.
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