Tiffany Thompson

Tiffany Thompson


  • Country:
  • City: -
  • Age:
  • Height: 5 ft 8 in (173 cm)
  • Weight:
  • Official Site: -

  • 551
  • 2
  • 369
If there ever was a porn star who could invoke memories of that first crush, that innocent lost kiss, and maybe that first time you worked your delicate pinky into your high school sweethearts precious virgin bum hole, that girl is definitely Tiffany Thompson. Her stunning looks are a gateway back to the days when free internet porn was a fantasy and your palms werent covered in hair. Today, however, we have the pleasure of seeing this lovely piece of teen ass get bent over, spread open, and fucked sixty-nine ways ˜til Sunday. Tiffanys body is one tight and taut territory of erotic flesh that you could explore for hours. Her pussy is so heavenly that youd sacrifice a nut just to stand in a room that she queefed in yesterday. She keeps it so perfectly clean, bald and soft down there, its like a pillow for your nose when you want to stay tongue-deep in her pink for hours. Tiffanys tits and ass are definitely supermodel material, and this girl certainly knows how to own a photo shoot. Whether shes alone, in one of her famous lesbian orgies, or becoming best friends with a new hard dick, her photo sets and videos could easily break the internet if they were concentrated all in one place. We Pornhub junkies have just the right amount of Tiffanys sweet ass for your watch-and-wank enjoyment. Trust us when we promise you that you, your palm, and his four thirsty neighbors will all fall in love with Tiffany.

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Albums (24)